separation angle中文什么意思

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  1. And the results of the wake length , separation angle , and drag or pressure coefficient for low reynolds number are excellent agreement with previous experimental and numerical results
  2. Varieties of dynamic intensity factors in the crack - tip field , extensions of cracks going through the joint planes for different distances between hole and joint were analyzed especially under the condition that the initial cracks and joint planes had different separation angles
  3. Abstract : with the use of the theory of blazed phase gratings , the color separation phase grating used for icf drivers is designed , which can off - axis separate the fundamental , 2nd and 3rd harmonic waves . theoretically , its diffraction efficiency for 0 " th order at the 3rd harmonic wave is 100 % . experimentally , a color separation grating is made . both its separation angles ( at the 1st and 2nd harmonic waves ) and its diffraction efficiencies for 0 " th order are measured , and some significant results are presented
    文摘:采用相位闪耀光栅原理设计出用于icf驱动器中能离轴分离基频、二倍频、三倍频激光的色分离相位光栅,理论上三倍频零级衍射效率达到100 ,同时,对该相位光栅进行了实际制作和实验测量,测出了基频光和二倍频光的分离角以及光栅的零级衍射效率,得到了一些有意义的结果。


  1. separation and dissolution of a company 什么意思
  2. separation and friction interaction 什么意思
  3. separation and identification 什么意思
  4. separation and purification 什么意思
  5. separation and purification methods 什么意思
  6. separation anxiety 什么意思
  7. separation anxiety disorder 什么意思
  8. separation anxiety disorder of childhood 什么意思
  9. separation anxiety of infant 什么意思
  10. separation area 什么意思


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